Taking A Comprehensive Approach Toward Sustainability.Let's protect our Capital City's enviable position of providing Michigan's most scenic, pleasant, and varied urban waterways destination.
River cleanups should be considered the last resort of waterways stewardship. They are the least efficient, most costly, and most dangerous. They are an indicator of a community’s collective 'failure' to be good stewards. Those most effective and longest lasting measures take place far away from our waterways.
We will discuss several easy-to-execute, common sense, stewardship measures, which will significantly improve our Capital City's rivers health, appearance, and usage. Implemented collectively they will create the greatest impact. Our proposed 2025 Capital City Plan represents the most comprehensive approach toward urban waterways stewardship. Each element is currently available, can be customized, and implemented within as few as two weeks. We are certain other cities will follow. Vertical Divider
Our Beginning.If we lose sight for the reason for our beginning. we risk having our rivers's health and appearance falling back to prior conditions.
Taking A Year-Round, Community-Wide, Collaborative Approach, Toward Waterways Stewardship.We offer a long menu of items to steward our Capital City waterways.
1. Twice Yearly Community-Wide Events.
Our twice-yearly stewardship campaigns are set to take place early spring and late fall to create and sustain the greatest impact. These campaigns are more than the unveiling of our treasured and vulnerable waterways, they are the unveiling of community spirit and civic pride. Our first this year takes place Saturday, June 7, 2025. Hosted by Potter Park Zoo and in partnership with City of Lansing Parks and Recreation and Lansing Lugnuts, this event combines stewardship, hospitality, recreation, entertainment, and includes a strong focus on environmental education. It is expected to will be our largest community-wide event to date. |
10. Park Beautifications
Beginning in the winter of '23-'24 we began our work on Capital City parks beautification. By providing greater focus on those non-point pollution sources we can help prevent litter, trash, and other unwanted debris making its way to our treasured waterways. 2025 Capital City Park Beautification Projects.
11. Creating NEW Urban Parks
While conducting Capital City beautification projects, two areas came to mind as candidates for NEW Capital City parks. Combined their total length is one-mile. Rarely are such discoveries made and opportunities to create such impact arise. 2025 NEW Capital City Parks.
12. Creating Natural Areas
Our Capital City's waterways are a popular destination for wildlife and migratory waterfowl. As such, we proposed creating two designated Natural Areas to ensure habitat protection and encourage minimal human encroachment. 2025 NEW Natural Zones.
Many Hands Makes Light Work.It is amazing the joy and ease with which we can accomplish great things when working together.
REIMAGINE • REDISCOVER • RECONNECTIt is because of our incredible partners, sponsors, and thousands of awesome volunteers, here in our Capital City new now present Michigan's most pleasant, varied, and scenic, urban waterways destination.
Below are a few pictures of our Capital City's Grand and Red Cedar Rivers. You too will see why so many are excited about the transformation our Capital City's waterways. Vertical Divider
Michigan Waterways Stewards
We are a federally tax-exempt Michigan nonprofit corporation. EIN: 92-1772858
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